MethaneSAT Over Earth


FAQs, scientific papers, and other information about MethaneSAT

Satellite scanning earth

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions about the MethaneSAT project, data and scope. 

MethaneSAT Web Portal

Web Portal Access

Information about accessing data through the MethaneSAT web portal

Satellite Capabilities

Capability Specification
Create high-resolution emissions heatmap of area sources (or spatially distributed emissions) Heatmaps of 1 km2 areas across targets that are 200 km x 200 km, with a native pixel size of 100m x 400m
Quantify total regional emissions Emissions from individual oil/gas fields/basins accounting for more than 80% of global oil and gas production
Automate computations used to measure emission rates, cutting a process that can take months down to days Actionable emission rate data will be accessible in a few days
Broad area coverage Orbit Earth in 95 minutes, with a swath width of 200 km
Point source attribution Trace larger single emission events over 500 kg/hr back to their point source
Quantify methane concentrations with high precision Detect excess methane at 3 ppb (highest precision compared to other satellites in orbit)
Transparency Free public data access


Some satellites can track methane on a global scale but can't detect emissions from countless smaller sources responsible for much of the total. Others provide excellent data from known sites with larger emissions but can’t see beyond small areas.


With high precision and a wide view path, MethaneSAT will track emission rates and locations and show how those emissions are changing over time - making it easier to track performance and prioritize solutions.